Friday, June 29, 2007

Table Mountain….

Nelson Mandela said, "Table Mountain is a Gift to the World." There really are no words to describe the majesty of the view from Table Mountain. Walking the cliffs I found myself whispering over and over again "How beautiful." I walked until I came to a place where I needed to sit and breathe. Trying to take it all in.

Sitting on a stone at the summit of Table Mountain, staring down at Robben Island, I became intensely aware of the beautiful of God’s grace. There were no other words or thoughts. I just sat there staring out, feeling full for the first time in a very long time. There was a tinge of sadness too, when I turned to Marcus and said there are so many people in the world that don’t know that a place like this even exists. This clarity, this beauty, this radiance is beyond the imagination. I wish I could bottle the joy and gratitude I felt on the top of that mountain. I told Marcus looking out at the city beneath a brilliant varied hued sky, "This is a place where God lives… you look out here and know in the center of your chest that God is real."

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