Friday, June 29, 2007

Can I get 20 cents?

So after that amazing meal at Nyoni’s Kraal, Marcus and I head out down the street in search an internet café. We crossed the main street and had started to pass a Russell furniture store (kind of like Rent – a – center) when a young colored man/child approached Marcus and asked for some change. There was an older man on the corner and as Marcus was telling the boy he didn’t have any money, another boy crossed the street and walked up on the side of Marcus. From behind Marcus I could see the black boy pull back his sleeve to flash a knife, as the colored boy asked Marcus again for money. The boy with the knife told Marcus to "just give up the money," and we started to pull away and walk back toward the main road. The kid with the knife broke out, but the colored boy continued to follow us begging for money. He said, "look it’s just a torch, it’s a torch" as he pulled back his sleeve to display his flashlight. I said, " yeah, but your friend pulled a knife on us." He replied, " oh come on can I get 20 cents? I wasn’t going to let him stab you!"

What!?! "Can I get 20 cents?" Even on the streets of Cape Town 20 cents won’t get you a hit of whatever it is your smoking that makes you think someone is going to give you money after your botched attempted armed robbery goes bad.

Lesson Learned: follow the guidebook’s instructions and hop a cab after dark in downtown Cape Town.

Side note: I am extremely proud of Marcus, because he didn’t panic, kept his composure, and ultimately kept both of us safe. Love you Babe.

Happy Ending: we walked back to the restaurant and had a bartender hail us a cab. When we got back to the B&B we found out that one of the men staying at Blencathra was approached by a duo matching the description of our would-be- robbers who threatened to stab him as well we he declined to give them money.


Unknown said...

Wow, what an event. You'd almost never think anything so scary as the threat or idea of getting robbed on the streets of a foreign land or worse, stabbed by the would-be robbers could even be imaginable. I am proud of Marcus too for ultimately keeping y'all safe from harm and thankful to God that he instructs you two. The blogs are intersting and definitely very vivid. I'm never been to Africa but it's like I'km right there watching the movie!

Love ya both,

PS when did y'all get myspace pages and where the hell have I been???

Avi said...

Good you deserve it

Your negative attitude attracted that bad shit

Hopefully, ow that you've fucked off - you don't come back

I HATE people like you

Fucking arrogant, self-entitled fucks

Go visit Niagara falls