Friday, June 29, 2007

And another thing…

Not to sound like the people I distain, but damn it why don’t you a t least work for your twenty cents? In Grahamstown the streets were filled with young children in face paint miming on the street for money. The children would be frozen in a pose on the street like a mannequin, when they heard the clink of change in their donation cup they would begin to move like robots into a new pose. There were dozens of child mimes, and each had his/her own flavor. I appreciate the heart and art behind that hustle. Get an empty box and beat the top of it like a drum, sing a song off key, but work for it. A teenage boy begging doesn’t cut it.


Anonymous said...

Expect the begging in Nairobi too... Never felt threatened, but begging is highly popular.

P.S. longer posts are better. You're teasing me with this short ish... Love, ya!

Stefania said...

I've been sitting and reading for the last hour and love it. I feel like I am right there with you. The frustrations, the beauty, terror ( a knife, I just about screamed). You have quite a way of sharing. Thank you. Love to you both and I'm reading... so keep posting.