Friday, June 29, 2007

Bunny Chow?

On the flight from Dakar, Marcus started watching one of the in-flight movies, Bunny Chow, which featured a prominent food in South Africa called bunny chow. Bunny chow is half of a loaf of bread with the insides carved out that is filled with some kind of meat or bean mix. For lunch we went to a halal Indian food stand on the boardwalk and Marcus ordered Bunny Chow. His bread was covered in curry chicken. He asked the woman in the stand where the name Bunny Chow was derived from – she said she didn’t know but the food was popular in Durban. He asked the Indian girl in the Internet cafĂ© if she knew where the name came from and she laughed and said, " You should ask the lady at the stand."

On the ride to Grahamstown, Marcus asked Jill if she knew where the term Bunny Chow came from, and of course she did. She was also the only person we met today willing to share. "Bunny Chow, I believe, came from the time of apartheid. Blacks could not eat in restaurants, so the restaurants created bunny chow, where they take out the center of the bread and drop the food inside. It was a way to sell food to blacks that was cheap and easy. My boys were big surfers and they would often eat bunny chow because it was so cheap and easy to get on the beach, many young white people ate it as well because it was so cheap and accessible. But yes, I think that’s where it comes from."

Bunny Chow = Jungle Bunny Food.

Toss them a bag of bread filled with meat so they don’t have to eat off our plates and utensils.
It made my stomach turn.

Can you imagine….

"ah yes, what’s the soup of the day?"

"oh sir, we have clam chowder and nigger stew."

"oh! I’ll have the nigger stew, and please give me a plate of crackers while your at it!"


South Africa feels like a nation stumbling in its shoes because it hasn’t realized its feet are big enough to fill them.


Anonymous said...

Great story, cuz'n... The term is awful, but the meal sounds pretty good. Our show got renewed, so I'll be heading back to Africa after all. Unfortunately, Curt is moving to Tanzania, so I probably won't get to see him. I'm reading all your posts. Send pix!

Unknown said...

Hana, this is some really great reading. Bunny chow = jungle bunny food. classic! but i think it ranks somewhere in-between chitterlins, salt pork, and pig knuckles. either way, utensils are overrated. give me a biscuit and let me sop up my nigger stew! i bet it'd be mo betta than the euro diet of carcinogenic meats eaten raw or our beloved fried chicken.

dana said...

This Jill is TOO MUCH. Did she even realize that "bunny chow" is racist? My opinion of her sinks lower!

Avi said...

Knobshine - I really hope you are getting this comment

I am an Indian , living in Durban South Africa.

The term bunny chow, comes from the term 'Bhania' It's an Indian ethnic group like Gujurathi, etc.

They started serving food in that way, not because of racism, you dumb fuck. But because they needed to save on costs of serving the food in a container.

Thus the bread itself became the container. It was first termed Bhania chow, because that was the only family in Durban that sold such a dish -and later became known as Bunny Chow. It's a favourite in the country, especially among Indians and has no racist connations whatsoever

Do us all a favour - FUCK OFF, DON'T COME BACK

How about sorting the shit out in your own country first

Your country is the laughing stock of the world. Pathetic fucks - have all the technology, education, health care, but are broke as fuck
