Friday, June 29, 2007

The Road to Cape Town…

We left Grahamstown yesterday evening to head to Cape Town. The greyhound bus travels daily overnight from Durban to Cape Town. We were supposed to be at the bus drop off point 30 minutes before the departure time. Our bus, which was scheduled to leave at 7:20, arrived at Kimberly Hall around 8:15. The central greyhound station was unable to locate our bus or our driver, so we were relieved when he decided roll into the driveway at Rhodes University. The greyhound experience in South Africa was very different than the States. There was no trucker smell, or scary bathroom. The coach was clean, with two drivers and a hostess that offered coffee, tea, and cookies throughout the night. Periodically the coach stopped to gas up, each time at a Shell station, and gave passengers a chance to use a larger bathroom, purchase snacks and stretch their legs. It was not the most comfortable night’s sleep we’ve ever had, but well worth it in that we arrived in Cape Town at 9:30 in the morning awake, ready to shower and hit the streets.

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